CDS Export Migration Must Be Completed By June 4th.

Apr 10, 2024

CDS Export Migration Must Be Completed By June 4th.

As a reminder to all of our customers, the migration of export declarations over to Customs Declaration Service (CDS), is open and started on the 18th March.

If you are yet to move Exports over to CDS, then please be aware that the transition period finishes on 4th June 2024. After this date, customs declarations cannot be submitted through the outgoing CHIEF service.

When opening the transition period, Sarah Hartley, HMRC’s Director of Border Change Delivery, said: “The open migration for exports from CHIEF to CDS marks a key milestone for HMRC, and we would like to thank all our partners who were involved in making this achievement happen. We are encouraging businesses to move over as soon as they can so the transition to CDS is as smooth as possible for everyone”.

MultiFreight have dedicated a resource page to CDS, which includes links, an FAQ and more. You can find it HERE.

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