HMRC Issue GVMS Border Guide 2

HMRC Issue GVMS Border Guide 2

HMRC has now issued the 2nd version of their GVMS Border Guide, which provides additional detail to the guidance. This guide collates the key aspects of using the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) when moving goods between the UK and EU. Intended to support...
HMRC Issue GVMS Border Guide 2

Latest Border Operating Model Published

Doing business with Europe has changed significantly since the UK left the Customs Union and now new rules now apply. From January, those regulations will change again as we transition away from the EU and details of the latest revision, believed to be the final...
HMRC Struggling With Declaration Backlog

HMRC Struggling With Declaration Backlog

According to a report in The Loadstar, HMRC are struggling to process an 11 month backlog of delayed declarations. HMRC is believed to be now cracking down on what has been described as “widespread abuse” of the delayed declaration procedures, which could be costing...
Government Announces Delays To Brexit 2

Government Announces Delays To Brexit 2

UK government has confirmed a number of changes to January’s planned move to Brexit 2, with certain elements now being delayed. We understand that the overall move to full customs controls and customs checks remains unchanged from the original 1st January 2022...
MultiFreight Webinar For Brexit Part 2

MultiFreight Webinar For Brexit Part 2

From January 2022, we enter phase two of Brexit and the additional requirements that relate to customs procedures. MultiFreight, in conjunction with Vartan Consultancy, will be holding a live webinar on 30th September, from 10am for approx 1 hour, to explain and...